Monday 18 August 2014

Treatment of Major Depressive Episodes Using Stablon Tablets

What are Major Depressive Episodes?

Major Depressive Episodes is characterized by severe, highly persistent depression, and a loss of interest or pleasure in everyday activities, which is often manifested by lack of appetite, chronic fatigue, and sleep disturbances (somnipathy).
A diagnoses of major depressive episode requires that the patient has-over a two-week period-experienced five or more of the symptoms below:
For the better part of nearly every day, the patient reports a depressed mood or appears depressed to others
Loss of Interest:
Patients suffering with depression tend to lose interest in things they once found enjoyable for most of nearly every day.
Change in Eating, Appetite, or Weight:
Although not dieting, there is a marked loss or gain of weight (such as 5% in one month) or appetite is markedly decreased or increased nearly every day
Nearly every day the patient sleeps excessively, known as hypersomnia, or not enough, known as insomnia.
Nearly every day the person experiences extreme fatigue.
Depressed people may think of themselves in very negative, unrealistic ways such as manifesting a preoccupation with past "failures", personalisation of trivial events, or believing that minor mistakes prove their inadequacy.
Nearly every day the patient is indecisive or has trouble thinking or concentrating. Patients suffering from depression frequently experiences negative and pessimistic thoughts, and reports that his/her ability to think, concentrate, or make decisions becomes impaired.
Thoughts of Death:
The patient has had repeated thoughts about death, suicide or has made a suicide attempt.
Combined psychotherapy plus antidepressant medications are more effective than psychotherapy alone for the treatment of depression.

Stablon Tablets (Tianeptine Sodium) – Product Information

Stablon Tablets (Tianeptine Sodium) is used to treat mild, moderate, or severe Major depressive episodes.
The active ingredient present in Stablon Tablets is Tianeptine Sodium.

Stablon Tablets (Tianeptine Sodium) - Contraindications

Stablon Tablets are contraindicated in patients that have a hypersensitivity to Tianeptine Sodium or any inactive component of this medication. They are also contraindicated in the following cases:
Concurrent administration with MAOIs : As a general rule, leave a period of 15 days after discontinuation of treatment with MAOIs.
Pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Children under 15 years.

Stablon Tablets (Tianeptine Sodium) - Dosage

The recommended adult Oral dosage of Stablon Tablets (Tianeptine Sodium) is approximately 3 tablets per day, to be taken at the start of the main meals, morning, noon and evening.
In subjects over the age of 70 and in cases of renal failure, dosage should be reduced.

Side Effects of Stablon Tablets

Side effects reported in patients treated with Stablon Tablets are abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea, constipation, loss of appetite, insomnia, drowsiness, palpitations, muscular or joint pain, headache, vertigo, tremor, breathing trouble and dry mouth.

Stablon Tablets - Warnings and Precautions

Please inform your doctor regarding any medications that you take including no prescription medications and over the counter medications. Any other treatment must automatically be reported to your doctor. Patients must be informed about the possibility of decreased alertness and the risk of drowsiness associated with treatment with this medication, especially those who drive vehicles or operate machinery. In the case of patients that require general anesthesia, the anesthetist has to be informed and treatment discontinued 24 or 48 hours before surgery.
Treatment should not be stopped abruptly, but dosage should be decreased gradually over a period of 7 to 14 days. Inform your doctor in case of pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Stablon Tablets - More Details

For more details please read the Prescription Information or watch the presentation below:

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